Thanks to the generous corporate sponsorship, the IDIGH Program organizes high quality events in order to act as catalyst for the creation of innovative research programs and for enhancing research competitiveness of its members. We are constantly seeking for new companies, products and services that could improve our research in the field of infectious diseases, immunity and global health. We provide a great visibility to our sponsors during the promotion of the event and quality attendances during the day of the event with our vendor show. Please see below for more information on our regular events.
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Vendor show
The vendor show associated with our sponsorship packages goes beyond showcasing products and services, it’s an integral and important part of event aim to create synergies with our members. Our annual events such as Research Day and Symposium bring together more than 200 graduate students, established researchers, highly qualified research professionals and companies that provide a broad range of lab equipment, chemicals and new technologies in the atrium of the RI-MUHC. This environment contributes to the training of our members who will constitute the workforce of tomorrow locally in Montreal, throughout Canada and abroad in life science and medical research. As such, these activities must be considered as an investment in academic training to further develop academic excellence and a benefit to the industry which builds upon it.
Symposium - Vendor Show
Since 2015, the IDIGH Symposium is organized every year by the IDIGH program. The overall goal is to create new opportunities of collaborative projects in order to obtain major funding for our researchers, which will in turn create more interesting and multifaceted projects for our future trainees that are probably one of the best outcomes of the program. This is our signature event and we receive more than 200 attendees and speakers from around the world. Each year, the objective is to have a least 20-25 booth tables to attract people.
The specific objectives for this event are:
- Train students and research professionals and researchers.
- Network with biotechs and pharma that will be on site.
- Discuss with world leader researchers on specific problems.
- Favorise multidisciplinary and multi-institution collaborative projects.
Research Day - Vendor Show
Since 2016, the Research Day is entirely organized by trainees who desire to develop new skills in order to be competitive in their research area or their transition from academia to other career paths and also to enlarge their professional network by interacting with other scientists and companies participating to the event. In order to catalyze the improvement of communication and research skills of the trainees, the presentations are evaluated by principal investigators or postdocs and awards are given to trainees that stand out from the crowd. Poster presentations are held in the highly frequented Atrium of the RI-MUHC where a vendor show will occur simultaneously. A keynote speaker is also invited in order to attract principal investigators, clinicians and research associates. The objective is to bring everyone together and create synergies among attendees. Each year, the objective is to have at least 15 booth tables to attract people.
The specific objectives for the IDIGH Research Day are:
- Provide trainees the opportunity to exercise their presentation skills
- Facilitate discussion between trainees on their most recent work
- Expose trainees to different career paths
- Network with biotechnology and pharma representatives that will be on site

Lunch and Learn
The IDIGH Work In Progress (WIP) lunch seminars are organized by the IDIGH Trainee Committee. The graduate students as well as post-docs of the program are encouraged to present their latest and exciting research at these weekly seminar lunches. These gatherings provide a platform for trainees to communicate their findings, improve their presentation skills, and receive valuable timely feedback from the diverse scientific community that makes up the IDIGH research program.
In fact, students present their research to an average of 50 attendees consisting of research professionals and principal investigators that are not necessary those who take time to visit traditional sponsor shows, but takes time to encourage their colleagues or students. Sponsors are invited to present their products, services or corporate profile in a 10 min presentation before the trainee presentation. The remaining time is dedicated to discussion with attendees interested to know more about the sponsor (a booth table is available to all sponsors for all to visit following the presentation).