Pour cette édition, le programme complet est disponible en anglais seulement.

Heure | Événement | |
10:30 à 12:00 |
Accueil des participants Recevez votre porte-nom et feuille de participation au tirage de l'exposition.* |
10:30 à 12:00 |
Exposition de produits, café, viennoiseries et réseautage Visitez nos exposants, accumulez les estampes et dégustez les viennoiseries ! |
12:00 à 1:25 |
Exposition de produits, lunch et réseautage Le lunch sera servi aux invités inscrits. |
1:25 à 1:30 |
Allocution d'ouverture – Dr Bruce Mazer Directeur exécutif et directeur scientifique en chef de l'IR-CUSM. |
1:30 à 2:05 |
Conférencier invité – Dre Nitika Pai SmartApp solutions for Point-of-Care technologies-Innovation, Implementation & Impact |
2:05 à 2:40 |
Conférencier invité – Dr Nicolas Chomont HIV reservoirs: Where does HIV hide? |
2:40 à 3:00 |
Pause-café | |
3:00 à 3:35 |
Conférencier invité – Dr Mark Larché Developing curative therapeutic vaccines for chronic inflammatory diseases |
3:35 à 4:10 |
Conférencier invité – Dr Luis Barreiro Evolution of innate immune responses in primates |
4:10 à 4:35 |
Mot de la fin – Dr Erwin Schurr Mot de la fin ainsi que remise des bourses de voyage IDIGH et nombreux prix de présence. |
4:35 à 6:00 |
Vins et fromages de réseautage Rencontrez et discutez avec les participants ! |
*Pour être admissible au tirage de l'un des nombreux prix de présence, vous devez visiter au moins 12 kiosques de nos exposants pour y faire estamper votre formulaire. Une fois que vous avez un minimum de 12 estampes, retournez votre formulaire au bureau d'inscription et vous serez inscrit au tirage du prix de présence. Bonne chance aux participants !
Conférenciers invités
Les résumés ont été fournis par les conférenciers en anglais seulement.
Dr Mark Larché
Divisions of Clinical Immunology & Allergy, and Respirology,
Department of Medicine and Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health,
The Research Institute at St. Joe’s,
McMaster University
Dr. Larché completed his PhD in Immunology at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, University of London in 1990. He spent 3 years at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN as a postdoctoral fellow. He returned to the Immunology Department at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, prior to joining the faculty of the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London (1995). In Sept 2006 he moved to McMaster University,Canada.
Dr. Larché has authored over 160 scientific papers and 17 patents. He has been the recipient of several international prizes including “The Respiratory 2000 International Young Investigator Award”, “The Henning Lowenstein Research Award 2000” and the "Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation Award" in 2001. Together with Professor AB Kay, he co-founded Circassia Ltd. ( ), a biotechnology company developing vaccines for allergic diseases. More recently he was Founding Scientist of Adiga Life Sciences, a Joint Venture between Circassia Ltd and McMaster University. Research interests include the immunopathogenesis of asthma/allergy, immunological mechanisms of immunotherapy, pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases and graft rejection.
Dr. Larché’s research program is funded by CIHR, Canada Research Chairs Program, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Ontario Research Fund, National Institutes of Health (USA), Public Health Agency of Canada, Scleroderma Society of Ontario, McMaster University/GSK endowed Chair and Adiga Life Sciences.
Visit his website for more information.
Dr Nitika Pai
Department of Medicine
McGill University
Research Scientist
Research Institute of the MUHC
Dr. Nitika Pant Pai (Nikki Pai) research vision is to develop innovative, digital screening strategies and solutions, for HIV self- testing and monitoring, test/treat strategies for Hepatitis C /Hepatitis B, multiplexed co-infection screening strategies for STBBIs and for access to sexual and reproductive health Some of these solutions are being scaled nationally and internationally. Her research has informed domestic and global policy on the point of care diagnostics to date. She has contributed to WHO global HIV self-testing guidelines and implementation guidance document on HIV self-testing. She has served on various technical working groups on HIV self-testing, Multiplexed testing, Point-of-care testing, for the WHO, the Gates Foundation, UNAIDS DAI initiative, FIND, PSI, CHAI, and the Office of Science of the US Congress, among others.
Dr Luis Barreiro
Associate Professor
Genetics Section
University of Chicago
Luis Barreiro received his undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Biotechnology at Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal. In 2008, he obtained his PhD in Human Population Genetics from the University of Paris VII, followed by a post-doc in the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago. From 2011 to 2018 he was Professor at the Université de Montréal, and a researcher at the CHU Sainte-Justine. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Genetics division, at the University of Chicago. His work has been pioneer at using population genomic data to characterize the genetic basis of inter-individual differences in immune response to infectious agents. Visit his website for more information.
Dr Nicolas Chomont
Associate research professor,
Centre de Recherche du CHUM,
Axe Immunopathologie
Dr. Nicolas Chomont is an Associate professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Université de Montréal – CHUM Research Center. He obtained his PhD in medical virology at Pierre et Marie Curie University in Paris where he extensively studied the interactions between HIV and the genital mucosa. From 2004 to 2009, he joined Dr Sekaly’s team at the University of Montreal for his post-doctoral training. During this time, he described several cellular reservoirs that contribute to the persistence of HIV in infected individuals receiving antiretroviral therapy. He pursued his research as a principal investigator at the Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute of Florida to characterize these reservoirs which represent the main obstacle to HIV eradication. At the Université de Montréal, Dr. Chomont is overseeing studies to unravel the molecular mechanisms involved in HIV latency and to develop novel therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing the size of the HIV reservoir.
Merci à nos commanditaires
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